Friday 1 August 2014

Happy Birthday Grandma

Hi there!

Tomorrow is my Grandma's birthday and I wanted to show you the card that I made for her. It seems like ages since the last time that I made a card without a digital stamp on it. I had actually coloured one for using on it but when I finished the background I decided that I liked it to much to cover it.

Hope you like it too :)


Demà és l'aniversari de la meua avia i volia ensenyar-te la targeta que li he fet. Pareix que fa un segle que no he fet una targeta sense un segell digital. En realitat en tenia un coloretjat per a utilitzar-lo en esta però quan he acabat el fons, he decidit que m'agradava massa per a tapar-lo. 

Espere que t'agrade també :)

In this card: Paper scraps from MME's Lost & Found, Liquid Pearls, resin appliqué corner, lace and pearls trim, paper flowers and leaves, also resin and leather flowers (the small white ones are recycled from a top that my little used last summer), frantaged die cut butterfly, candy shoppe bubbles. Ribbon flower and crochet sentiment crafted by myself.

This card goes to the following challenges:
Divas by Design: Anything goes
Crafting by Design: August Anything Goes
Delightful challenges: Bling it On
- Crafting at the Weekends #4: Anything Goes
- Crafty Girls #23: Anything goes
- Creative Fingers #44: Anything Goes
4 Crafty Chicks #205: Anything Goes
Just Inspirational Challenges: August Monthly Anything Goes
Crafting from the Heart #29: Anything Goes
Live and Love Crafts: Stitching


  1. Felicidades para tu madre Aurora.
    Ese es uno de mis retos para el año que viene... en este, no se, no se... aprender a coser papeles. Te ha quedado de lujo.

    1. A tu madre la puedes felicitar, pero a tu abuela sobre todo 😄

  2. Wow - such a beautiful patchwork - just love all the colors and textures. Thanks so very much for joining us this time at the Creative Fingers Challenge, Elizabeth (DT)

  3. Loving the pattern papers, stitching and the liquid pearls really popped. Really fantastic creation. Thank you for sharing your awesome creation with us at 4 Crafty Chicks Anything Goes Challenge!!

    Tamie 4CC DT

  4. What a fantastic card!Your grandma must have loved it! Thanks for entering our "Bling it On" challenge this week at Delightful Challenges. Julie, DT member

  5. Beautiful card - love the patchwork background.

    Thanks for joining us at the Crafty Girls Challenge.

    Helen x

  6. I love this, Aurora! Love the quilted background and lovely design. :)
    Thank you for playing with us over at Crafting By Design this month & good luck!
    Sanja, DT

  7. Thank you for sharing your beautiful entry with us at Crafty Girls – good luck x

  8. Great patchwork - a gorgeous card! Thanks for joining LLC for our stitching challenge.

    Hugz, Sandy
    Owner & Operator @Live & Love Crafts
